Potter County Human Services


A. The client is a Potter County resident; however, if a client is a resident in another county and is without resources to access services in that county, the SCA Director will contact the other county's SCA Director and request verbal approval to complete an assessment on the client. Case Managers from each county will establish communication regarding the client's needs and the process to facilitate meeting those needs.

B. All clients will receive an assessment by the Potter County Drug and Alcohol Program Case Management Specialist.

C. The employees of the SCA will be bound by confidentiality as indicated in Federal Law 42 U.S.C. 290 dd-2, Federal Regulation 42 CFR Part 2, PA State Law 71 P.S. 1690.108 (Act 63) and PA State Regulation 28 Pa. Code Subsection 709.28 and 4 Pa. Code Subsection 255.5, Chapter 257.4.

  • The Potter County Drug and Alcohol Program will not deny a client services based on age, sex, physical and/or mental conditions, geographic area (within Potter County), sexual preference, handicap, legal status or prior involvement with this agency.

D. The following circumstances would render a client inappropriate for an immediate assessment:

  • person intoxicated or who is under the influence of a substance which prevents him/her from being aware of the assessment process in which he/she is participating.
  • a person with limited cognitive abilities whose limitations would prevent him/her from participating in the assessment process;
  • a person experiencing either a medical or mental health crisis which prevents him/her from participating in the assessment.

E. All clients will be scheduled for an assessment within 7 days of initial contact. If scheduling constraints exist for the Case Manager then the client is offered the first available appointment. The Case Manager will insure that the client is not in crisis if having to schedule after 7 days of initial contact or the Case Manager will utilize sub-contractors to complete the assessments.

F. There is no fee for assessments, unless the client has been court ordered to pay for their own assessment. If a client receives a court ordered assessment and does not follow through with recommendations within sixty days, the client will be charged a re-assessment fee for a second assessment.

Who can see my information?

The information given to your Case Manger is strictly confidential and cannot be released without your written specific permission. This information is protected by both state and federal confidentiality regulations.

Website Accessibility Statement

Potter County Human Services, Potter County Pa. | pottercountyhumansvcs.org

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