Potter County Family Collaborative Council
The Potter County Family Collaborative Council has its "roots" in a 1994 statewide initiative called the Pennsylvania Children’s Initiative Task Force. The Potter County Children’s Task Force introduced the idea for a mobile unit/family center for all of Potter County. This collaborative council is comprised of agency and community representatives who meet several times per year to oversee the management and use of the Mobile Family Unit and its associated services.
Mission Statement
"To strengthen the families and children of Potter County through an accessible and collaborative system that integrates social, educational and wellness services and that is based on both the needs and resources of our communities."
Vision Statement
"Potter County will be a place where families will be safe, well-educated, responsible and productive. Community members will be committed to creating and sustaining an environment where all persons can thrive and contribute. We share the responsibility for supporting families and communities in the protection and education of our children and in encouraging the development of healthy beliefs, clear standards and each child’s potential."