Several area agencies have recruited – in some cases, trained – persons of various ages and skills who provide services as volunteers. Volunteer opportunities available through our Area Agency on Aging typically include such activities as helping in senior community centers, delivering meals to homebound individuals, serving as friendly visitors and companions, and more.
Each Area Agency has trained staff available to answer questions and make referrals to other agencies in the community that provide the specific services needed by the individual. Area Agencies can locate, assess and place older people in appropriate facilities such as personal care homes and nursing homes.
Prime Time Health
A program designed to encourage disease prevention and provide health information and programs for the elderly, including prescription education, nutrition, exercise, dancing, coping with change, injury prevention, arthritis, alcoholism, etc. Programs are offered at senior community centers and community health events.
Medicare Education and Decision Insight (PA MEDI) (formally the APPRISE Program)
PA MEDI is a State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP). A person may get free personalized Medicare counseling on coverage decisions. PA MEDI can provide information on Medicare Parts A, B, C and D, Medicare Supplemental Plans and programs for people with limited income and resources. This program is available to beneficiaries that are New to Medicare, dual eligible beneficiaries, and also Medicare beneficiaries during Medicare’s Annual Open Enrollment.
Pharmaceutical Assistance Contract for the Elderly (PACE) helps to pay for prescribed medicines for Pennsylvania residents 65 years of age or older whose incomes are under $14,500 for single persons and under $17,700 for couples. PACE card holders pay only $6 for generic drugs and a $9 copayment for brand name drugs; Lottery funds pay the balance.
PACENET, a new tier of eligibility under the PACE Program, extends eligibility income limits another $2,000 -- for single persons, between $14,500 and $23,500; for married couples, between $17,700 and $31,500 -- making them eligible for modified PACE benefits. Pennsylvanians who are eligible for PACENET are subject to a $40/month deductible, which is cumulative if not met each month. PACENET recipients pay only $8 for generic drugs and $15 for brand name drugs.
Senior Centers
The Potter County Senior Centers offer a variety of services to both the older adult and to people in the community. Each center offers a wealth of information to the participants. A variety of guest speakers talk about a variety of subjects. Each of the centers offers a Prime Time Health service, which includes a weekly exercise program and invited speakers who talk about a variety of health topics. Other services provided by Potter County Senior Centers include periodic health screenings, tax counseling (offered every year in February and March) as well as information and monthly referrals.